Klassen, S., Welton, L., Batiuk, S., Kuşdil Sak, Z., Harrison, T., and Denel, E. Tell Tayinat Archaeological Project (TAP): Season 2017–2019. The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Journal 14:45–51.
Harrison, T. The Iron Age I–II Transition in the Northern Levant: An Emerging Consensus? Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology 1:325–351.
Langis-Barsetti, D. Building Kunulua Block by Block: Exploring Archaeology through Minecraft. Near Eastern Archaeology 84(1):62–70.
Unruh, J. and Harbeck, C. Conservation decision-making in the field: a case study. Journal of the Institute of Conservation 44(1): 3–24.
Ertepinar, P., Hammond, M.L., Hill, M.J., Biggin, A.J., Langereis, C.G. Herries, A.I.R., Yener, K.A., Akar, M., Gates, M.-H., Harrison, T., Greaves, A.M., Frankel, D., Webb, J.M., Özgen, İ., and Yazicioglu, G.B. Extreme geomagnetic field variability indicated by Eastern Mediterranean full-vector archaeomagnetic records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 531. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115979
Janeway, B. “What’s in a Face? An Anthropomorphic Pictorial Sherd from Tell Tayinat” Pp. 201–222 in Anadolu Prehistoryasına Adanmış Bir Yaşam: Jak Yakar’a Armağan/ A Life Dedicated to Anatolian Prehistory: Festschrift forn Jak Yakar. Edited by Barış Gür and Semra Dalkılıç. Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat.
Manning, S.M., Lorentzen, B., Welton, L, Batiuk, S., Harrison, T.P. Beyond megadrought and collapse in the Northern Levant: The chronology of Tell Tayinat and two historical inflection episodes, around 4.2ka BP, and following 3.2ka BP. PLOSOne. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240799
Welton, L. EBIV ceramic production in the Orontes Watershed: petrography from the Amuq and beyond. Levant 52(1-2): 215–236.
Welton, L. The Amuq in the Early Bronze Age III-IV from a Levantine Perspective. Pp. 51–71 in New Horizons in the Study of the Early Bronze III and Early Bronze IV of the Levant, ed. S. Richard. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Harrison, T. Tell Ta’yinat (anciennement Kunulua). Les Néo-Hittites du Palastin/Walastin. Pp. 219–31 in Royaumes oubliés. de l’empire Hittite aux Araméens, Paris: Lienart and Musée du Louvre.
Harrison, T., Denel, E., Batiuk, S., Tayinat Höyük Kazıları. 2017. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi 40, Cilt 3: 483–502.
Karakaya, D. Botanical Aspects of the Environment and Economy at Tell Tayinat from the Bronze to Iron Ages (ca. 2.200 – 600 BCE), in south-central Turkey. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tübingen.
Karakaya, D. and Riehl, S. Subsistence in Post-Collapse Societies: Patterns of Agroproduction from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age in the Northern Levant and Beyond. The Iron Age I in the Levant. A View from the North (Part I), ed. by L. Welton and H. Charaf. Archaeology & History in the Lebanon 50-51: 136–63.
Osborne, J., Harrison, T., Batiuk, S., Welton, L., Dessel, J.P., Denel, E., and Demirci, Ö. Urban Built Environments of the Early First Millennium BCE: Results of the Tayinat Archaeological Project, 2004-2016. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 382: 261–312.
Welton, L. A New Start or Business as Usual? Evidence from the Earliest Iron Age I Levels at Tell Tayinat. The Iron Age I in the Levant. A View from the North (Part I), ed. by L. Welton and H. Charaf. Archaeology & History in the Lebanon 50–51: 70–92.
Welton, L., Harrison, T., Batiuk, S., Ünlü, E., Janeway, B., Karakaya, D., Lipovitch, D., Lumb, D. and Roames, J. Shifting Networks and Community Identity at Tell Tayinat in the Iron I (ca. 12th to mid 10th Cent. BCE). American Journal of Archaeology. Vol. 123, No. 2 (April 2019): 291–333.
Akıncı, Y. and Denel, E., Kubaba – Kütüphane Kedisi. Kedici 28: 22–26.
Denel, E. and Harrison T. Neo-Assyrian Tayinat. Pp. 364–379 in The Assyrians. Kingdom of the God Aššur from Tigris to Taurus, ed. K. Körğulu and S.F. Adalɪ, Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık.
Harrison. T. Foreword. Pp. ix-x, in Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 7. Leiden: Brill.
Harrison, T. and Denel, E. Neo-Assyrian Tayinat. Pp. 364-79 in The Assyrians: Kingdom of the God Aššur from Tigris to Taurus. ed. K. Köroğlu and S. Ferruh Adalı. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
Harrison, T., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S., Tayinat Höyük Araştırmaları, 2016. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi 39, Cilt 1: 563–571.
Janeway, B. Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 7. Leiden: Brill.
Batiuk, S., and Harrison, T. P. The Metals Trade and Early Bronze Age Craft Production at Tell Tayinat. Pp. 48-66 in Overturning Certainties in Near Eastern Archaeology: A festschrift in Honor of K. Aslihan Yener, ed. C. Maner, M. T. Horowitz, and A. S. Gilbert. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
Denel, E. and Harrison, T. P., The Neo-Hittite Citadel Gate at Tayinat (Ancient Kunulua). Pp. 137-55 in The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries (2015-2016), Vol. 2. ed. S. Steadman and G. McMahon. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Harrison, T. P. The Genius of Neo-Assyrian Imperialism: Recent Discoveries at Tell Tayinat in the North Orontes Valley. AUB Archaeological Museum Newsletter 31/2:14–20.
Harrison, T. P. Royal Self-Representation and the Legitimation of Authority at Tayinat (Ancient Kunulua). Pp. 277-99 in Herrschaftslegitimation in vorderorientalischen Reichen der Eisenzeit, ed. C. Levin and R. Müller. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
Harrison, T. P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. Tayinat Höyük Kazıları, 2015. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 38/1: 539-54.
Osborne, J.F. and Karacic, S. Urbanism beyond the Acropolis: The Tayinat Lower Town Project Surface Survey, 2014-2015, Anatolica XLIII, 37-70.
Ünlü, E. Tell Tayinat Yereşiminde Gec Tunc – Erken Demir Cagi Geciş Donemi Seramikleri Üzerinden Amik Ovasi’Nda Görülen Yerel Devamliliklar ve Dogu Akdeniz Baglantilari. Pp. 91-112 in OLBA 24. Mersin: Mersin University Publications of the Research Center of Cicilian Archaeology.
Harrison, T.P. İktidar Peyzajlari: Karşılaştırmalı Perspektiften Geç Hitit İçkaleleri. Pp. 113-32 in Turkiye’de Şehirler ve İçkaleler: Demir Çağından Selçuklulara, ed. S. Redford and N Ergin. Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları. [Turkish translation of “Landscapes of Power: Neo-Hittite Citadels in Comparative Perspective,” in Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks, 2013.]
Harrison, T.P. The Neo-Assyrian Provincial Administration at Tayinat (Ancient Kunalia). Pp. 253-64 in The Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire, ed. J. MacGinnis, D. Wicke, and T. Greenfield. McDonald Institute Monographs. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. Tayinat Höyük Araştırmaları, 2014. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 37/2: 477-90.
Karacic, S. and Osborne, J.F. Eastern Mediterranean Economic Exchange during the Iron Age: Portable X-Ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation Analysis of Cypriot Style Pottery in the Amuq Valley, Turkey, online PLoS ONE 11(11). https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0166399
Lauinger, J., Observing Neo-Assyrian Scribes at Work. in Observing the Scribe at Work: Scribal Practice in the Ancient World, ed. M. Choat et al. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, Leuven: Peeters.
Lauinger, J., Iqqur īpuš at Tell Tayinat. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 68: 229-48.
Petrovich, Douglas Neal, Tayinat’s Building XVI: The Religious Dimensions and Significance of a Tripartite Temple at Neo-Assyrian Kunulua. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto.
Lauinger, J., Neo-Assyrian Scribes, ‘Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty,’ and the Dynamics of Textual Mass Production. Pp. 285-314 in Texts and Contexts: Approaches to Textual Circulation and Transmission in the Cuneiform World, ed. P. Delnero and J. Lauinger. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records 9, Berlin/Boston: Walter DeGruyter.
Lauinger, J. and Batiuk, S. A Stele of Sargon II at Tell Tayinat. Zeitschrift fürAssyriologie 105: 54-68.
Weeden, Mark. The Land of Walastin at Tell Tayinat. Pp. 65-66 in Nouvelles assyriologiques breves et utilitaires 2.
Harrison, T.P., Recent Discoveries at Tayaint (Ancient Kunulua/Calno) and Their Biblical Implications, Pp. 396-425 in Congress Volume Munich 2013, ed. Christl M. Maier. Leiden: Brill.
Harrison, T.P., Family Religion from a Northern Levantine Perspective. Pp. 183-96, in Family and Household Religion: Toward a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies. ed. R. Albertz, B. Alpert Nakhai, S.M. Olyan and R. Schmitt. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Harrison, T.P., Articulation Neo-Assyrian Imperialism at Tell Tayinat. Pp. 80-96 in Archaeologies of Text. Archaeology, Technology, and Ethics, ed. Matthew T. Rutz and Morag M. Kersel. Oxford: Oxbow.
Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S., 2012 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari. Pp. 19-35 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 35:3, Muğla: Muğla Sitki Koçman Üniversitesi Basimevi.
Welton, L., Revisiting the Amuq Sequence: A Preliminary Investigation of the EBIVB Ceramic Assemblage from Tell Tayinat. Levant 46(3): 339-370.
Harrison, T.P., Landscapes of Power: Neo-Hittite Citadels in Comparative Perspective. Pp. 97-114 in Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks, ed. S. Redford and N. Ergin. Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Supplement 40. Leuven: Peeters.
Harrison, T.P., Tayinat in the Early Iron Age. Pp. 61-87 in Across the Border: Late Bronze-Iron Age Relations Between Syria and Anatolia, ed. K.A. Yener. Amsterdam: Peeters.
Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S., 2011 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari. Pp. 105-118 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 34:2, Çorum: Pegasus Görsel Iletişim Hizmetleri.
Janeway, B., Cultural Transition in the Northern Levant during the Early Iron Age as Reflected in the Aegean-Style Pottery at Tell Tayinat. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto.
Lauringer, J.,The Neo-Assyrian ade: Treaty, Oath or Something Else? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 19: 99-115.
Osborne J.F., Sovereignty and Territoriality in the City-state: A Case Study for the Amuq Valley, Turkey. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32: 774-790.
Weeden, M., After the Hittites: The Kingdoms of Karkamish and Palistin in Northern Syria. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 56/2: 1-20.
Denel, E., Tayinat Höyük’ün Yeni Aslani. Mesa ve Yaşam 57: 29-31.
Harrison, T.P., West Syrian megaron or Neo-Assyrian Langraum? The Shifting Form and Function of the Tell Taʿyīnāt (Kunulua) Temples. Pp. 3–21 in Temple Building and Temple Cult. Architecture and Cultic Paraphernalia of Temples in the Levant (2.–1. Mill. BCE). ed. J. Kamlah and H. Michelau. Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 41. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Harrison, T.P., Lion-Adorned Monumental Gate Complex Unearthed at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Bulletin 55 (February): 6.
Harrison, T.P., and Hawkins, D. Ta‘yīnāt, Tall. Pp. 494-97, in Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie Vol. 13, No. 5/6. ed. T. Blaschke, S. Ecklin, J. Fechner, and S. Pfaffinger. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S., 2010 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari. Pp. 173-190 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 33:3, Ankara: Kalkan Matbaacilik San. Tic. ve Ltd. Şti.
Harrison, T.P. and Osborne J.F., Building XVI and the Neo-Assyrian Sacred Precinct at Tell Tayinat. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64: 125-143.
Lauinger, J., Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty at Tell Tayinat: Text and Commentary. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64: 87-123.
Osborne J.F., Communicating Power in the Bit-Hilani Palace. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 368: 29-66.
Harrison, T.P., Tell Tayinat’s Great Lion. bout de papier 26.2 (Fall/Winter):19.
Harrison, T.P., Temples, Tablets and the Neo-Assyrian Provincial Capital of Kinalia. The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Journal 6:29-37.
Harrison, T.P. and Batiuk, S., and Denel, E., Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, 2008. Pp. 368-384 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 32:3, Ankara: Allâme Tanitim & Matbaacilik Hizmetleri.
Janeway, B., Mycenaean bowls at 12th/11th century BCE Tell Tayinat (Amuq Valley). Pp. 167-185 in On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighbouring Regions, ed. V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka. Nicosia: A.G. Leventis Foundation.
Lauinger, J., Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Tablet collection in Builiding XVI from Tell Tayinat. The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Journal 6:5-14.
Osborne, J.F. Spatial Analysis and Political Authority in the Iron Age Kingdom of Patina, Turkey. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,Harvard University.
Roames, J., The Early Iron Age Metal Workshop at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. Pp. 149-55 in Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology IX: Volume 1319 (MRS Proceedings), ed. P. Vandiver, W. Li, J.L. Ruvalcaba Sil, C. Reedy and L. Frame. Cambridge University Press.
Welton, L., The Amuq Plain and Tell Tayinat in the Third Millennium BCE: The Historical and Socio-Political Context. The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Journal 6:15-27.
Welton, L., Batiuk, S., Harrison, T.P., with contributions by Lipovitch, D. and Capper, M., Tell Tayinat in the Late Third Millennium. Recent investigations of the Tayinat Archaeological Project, 2008-2010. Anatolica 37: 147-185.
Harrison, T.P., The Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition in the Northern Orontes Valley. Pp. 83-102 in Societies in Transition. Evolutionary Processes in the Northern Levant between Late Bronze Age II and Early Iron Age, ed. F. Venturi. Bologna: CLUEB.
Harrison, T.P., Tayinat Höyüğü: Arkeoloji Projesi 2009. Hatay 32: 36-37. [H. Pamir, Turkish translation]
Harrsion, T.P., Tell Tayinat: Patina Kralliğ’nin Başkenti. Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 16: 78-85.
Harrison, T.P., Tell Tayinat: Neuhethitischer Tempel mit Ahnlichkeit zu salomonischem Tempel entdeckt. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 2010/2, 2010, 68-69.
Harrison, T.P. and Batiuk, S., Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, 2008, Pp. 491-504 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 31:3, Ankara: Ismail Aygül Ofset Matbaacilik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Harrison, T.P., Lifting the Veil on a “Dark Age”: Ta‛yinat and the North Orontes Valley During the Early Iron Age. Pp. 171-184 in Exploring the Longue Durée: Essays in Honor of Lawrence E. Stager, ed. D. Schloen. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Harrison, T.P., Neo-Hittites in the “Land of Palistin”: Renewed Investigations at Tell Ta‛yinat on the Plain of Antioch. Near Eastern Archaeology 72 (4): 174-189.
Harrison, T.P., Tayinat, Tell. Pp. 480 in The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 5, Nashville: Abingdon Press.
Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S.,and Snow, H., Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, 2006-2007, Pp. 503-522 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 30:2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi
Harrison, T.P., Amik Ovasi’ndaki Patina Geç Hitit Kralligi’nin Baskenti: Tayinat Höyüğü. Hatay 14: 18-22. [H. Pamir, Turkish translation]
Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S., and Snow, H., Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, Pp. 85-98 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 29:2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi.
Janeway, B., The Nature and Extent of Aegean Contact at Tell Ta‛yinat and Vicinity in the Early Iron Age: Evidence of the Sea Peoples? Scripta Mediterranea XXVII-XXVIII: 123-146.
Lipovitch, D., Modeling a Mycenaean Menu: Can Aegean Populations Be Defined in Near Eastern Contexts Based on Their Diet? Scripta Mediterranea XXVII-XXVIII: 147-159.
Batiuk, S., Ancient Landscapes of the Amuq: Geoarchaeological Surveys of the Amuq Valley: 1999-2006. The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Journal 2: 51-57.
Harrison, T.P., Neo-Hittites in the North Orontes Valley: Recent Investigations at Tell Ta‛yinat. The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Journal 2: 59-68.
Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S.,and Snow, H., 2004 Yili Tayinat Höyük Kazilari. Pp. 353-362 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 27:2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi.
Batiuk, S., Harrison, T.P. and Pavlish, L., The Ta‛yinat Survey, 1999-2002. Pp. 171-192 in The Amuq Valley Regional Projects, Volume 1. Surveys in the Plain of Antioch and Orontes Delta, Turkey, 1995-2002, ed. K.A. Yener. Chicago: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.
Harrison, T.P., The Neo-Assyrian Governer’s Residence at Tell Ta‛yinat. Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Bulletin 40:23-33.
Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S.,and Pavlish, L., 2003 Yili Tayinat Jeomanyetik Araştirmasi. Pp. 153-158 in Arkeometri Sonuçlari Toplantisi 20, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi.
Harrison, T.P., Cultural Interaction in Southeastern Turkey: The Tayinat Archaeological Project. Bulletin of the Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies 7, 2004, 1-2.
Harrison, T.P., The 2002 Ta’yinat Archaeological Project Geomagnetic Survey. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı 19: 121-30.
Harrison, T.P., Tell Ta‛yinat and the Kingdom of Unqi. Pp. 115-32 in The World of the Arameans II: Studies in History and Archaeology of Paul-Eugène Dion, ed. P.M. M. Daviau, J. W. Wevers, and M. Weigl. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement 325. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
Harrison, T.P., The Evidence for Aramaean Cultural Expansion in the Amuq Plain. Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Bulletin (Recherches Canadiennes sur la Syrie Antique/Canadian Research on Ancient Syria) 36:135-44.
Harrison, T.P., and Batiuk, S., The 1999 Amuq Valley Regional Project Survey. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 18: 181-86.
Harrison, T.P., The 1998 Amuq Valley Regional Project Survey. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 17, (2000) 127-32.
Selected Presentations
Harrison, T. P. “The ‘Lady of Tayinat’ and Female Representation in Neo-Hittite Art”. ICAANE Munich. April 3-7, 2018.
Harrison, T. P. “The ‘Lady of Tayinat’ and Other Discoveries at Kunulua, Royal City of the Kingdom of Palastin/Walastin”. ASOR Annual Meeting, Denver Nov. 14-17.
Welton, L. “Continuity and Innovation During The Iron I at Tell Tayinat: Local Traditions, Sea Peoples and the Land of Palistin in Broader Perspective”. ICAANE Munich. April 3-7, 2018.
Welton, L. “Destruction and Renewal in the late Third Millennium B.C.E.: Results of Recent Excavations at Tell Tayinat”. ASOR Annual Meeting, Denver Nov. 14-17.
Harrison, T. P. “Mother Goddess, Matriarch, or Queen? The Recently Discovered ‘Lady of Tayinat’ and Female Patronage in southeastern Turkey”. NMC and Canadian Society for the Advancement of Turkish Studies Innis Town Hall, UofT Dec, 4.
Harrison, T. P. “Tell Tayinat Investigations, 2016”. The 39th International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, Bursa, Turkey, May 22-26.
Harrison, T. P. “Temples, Tablets and the ‘Covenant of Ashur’: Neo-Assyrian Imperialism at Tayinat (Ancient Kunulua).” Neo-Assyrian Workshop, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan, March 2.
Harrison, T. P. “Tayinat in Time and Space: A Synthesis. Special Session: “Tell Tayinat (Ancient Kunulua): The Shifting Fortunes of a Bronze and Iron Age Levantine Capital””. 118th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto, January 5-8.
Batiuk, S. “Preserving and Presenting the History of the Antioch Region in Turkey”. Presented at the Canadian Society for Mediterranean Studies, Ottawa Chapter, [September 25, 2016]
Batiuk, S. “Excavating “The Kingdom of Idols”: New Discoveries from the University of Toronto’s Excavations at Tell Tayinat, Turkey”. Presented at the Archaeological Institute of America, Montreal Chapter, [January 7, 2016]
Harrison, T. P. “Tell Tayinat Excavations, 2015”. The 38th International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, Edirne, Turkey, May 23-27.
Harrison, T. P. “The ‘Kingdom of Idols’: Neo-Hittites in the Land of Palistin/Patin in Southeastern Turkey.” The Friends of ARIT Annual Lecture, Ankara, June 9.
Harrison, T. P. “The ‘Kingdom of Idols’: Neo-Hittites in the Land of Palistin/Patin at Tayinat on the Orontes.” “The World of Phrygian Gordion” Conference, Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania, April 1-2.
Karakaya, D. “Archaeobotanical Investigations of the Ancient Flora of the Orontes Watershed” Presented at The Computational Research on the Ancient Near East Workshop: Large-Scale Data Integration And Analysis in Near Eastern Archaeology at the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Vienna, Austria, 25-29 April, 2016.
Karakaya, D. “Archaeobotanical Investigations of the Ancient Flora of the Orontes Watershed” Presented at INSTITUT FÜR NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE ARCHÄOLOGIE COLLEQUIM, UNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN, 22 JULY. 2016
Karakaya, D. “Agricultural Patterns at Tell Tayinat and Beyond: The Archaeobotanical and Stable Carbon Isotope Evidence” Presented at American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, November 2016. San Antonio, Texas.
Lauinger, J., “Literary Connections and Social Contexts: Approaches to Deuteronomy in Light of the Assyrian adê-tradition,” invited session on Treaty and Covenant: Deuteronomy in Light of the Neo-Assyrian/Aramaic adê-tradition, Society for Biblical Literature (San Antonio, TX). November 19, 2016.
Lipovitch, D. “The Zooarchaeology of the Orontes Watershed.” Presented at The Computational Research on the Ancient Near East Workshop: Large-Scale Data Integration And Analysis in Near Eastern Archaeology at the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Vienna, Austria, 25-29 April, 2016.
Osborne, J.F. “City Planning and Monumentality: Urban Symbology in Iron Age Turkey.” Invited lecture presented to Topoi Excellence Cluster: Großbauten in ihren Gesellschaften – zwischen praktischer Nutzung und symbolischer Bedeutung. Freie Universität, Berlin, 2016.
Osborne, J.F. “The Formation of the Syro-Anatolian City-States: New Evidence from Patina and Beyond.” Invited paper presented at 10ICAANE meeting in Vienna, Austria, 2016.
Batiuk, S & T.P. Harison. “The Tell Tayinat Archaeological Project: 2013-2015”. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Atlanta, November 18-21, 2015
Batiuk, S. “There and Back Again: Virtual Reconstruction and Architectural Conservation at Tell Tayinat.” Presented at CRANE Symposium 2015: Archaeological Data Analysis and Cross-Project
Collaboration Friday, March 27, 2015
Lauinger, J., “Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty as Literary Model for Deuteronomy: Some Thoughts on Method,” invited session on Methods of Historiography in the Study of Ancient Israel and the Levant: Assyria and the Levant in the Iron Age, American Schools for Oriental Research/Society for Biblical Literature (Atlanta, GA). November 21, 2015.
Lauinger, J., “Violence and Its Alternative under the Neo-Assyrian Empire,” Biblical Archaeology Forum (Rockville, MD). April 23, 2015.
Lauinger, J., “Current Research on the Relationship of Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty to Deuteronomy: An Assyriologist’s Perspective,” The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, University of Maryland (College Park, MD). April 1, 2015.
Osborne, J.F. “Forced Migration in the Iron Age: A Multi-Scalar Approach.” Lecture presented at the Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop, University of Chicago, 2015.
Osborne, J.F. “A Multi-Scalar Approach to the Neo-Assyrian Forced Migration.” Invited lecture presented at the workshop The Levant under Assyrian Domination, Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 2015.
Batiuk, S. “Excavating “the Kingdom of idols”: New Discoveries from the University of Toronto’s Excavations at Tell Tayinat, Turkey”. Presented at American Institute of Archaeology, Ottawa Chapter. Ottawa, Canada.
Denel, E. “Tayinat Höyük Kazıları Işığında Geç Hitit Patina/Unki Krallığı” (“Late Hittite Kingdom of Patina/Unqi in light of the Tayinat Höyük Excavations”), Lecture in Turkish at the Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi (Anatolian Civilizations Museum in Ankara), December 4, 2014.
Denel, E. “Transformation of Royal Space in Iron Age Tell Tayinat,” 5èmes Rencontres d’archéologie de l’IFEA: HITTITOLOGY TODAY Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolian Studies on the 100th anniversary of Emmanuel Laroche’s birth, November 21-22, 2014
Janeway, B. “Imported Late Helladic Pottery from Tell Tayinat: A Preliminary Analysis of Petrography and Style.” Presented at American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, November 2014. San Diego, CA.
Osborne J. “The Iron Age Diaspora of the Early First Millenniium BCE: The Tayinat Lower Town Project and the Erbil Plain Archaeological Survey.” Presented at American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, November 2014. San Diego, CA.
Welton, L., “Bridging the Gap: Reconstructing the Iron I – Iron II Transition at Tell Tayinat.”Settlement in the Amuq Plain in the Early Bronze Age.” Presented at American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, November 2014. San Diego, CA.
Harrison, T.P. “Recent Discoveries at Tayaint (Ancient Kunulua/Calno) and Their Biblical Implications”. Pp. 396-425 in Congress Volume Munich 2013, ed. Christl M. Maier. Leiden: Brill.
Janeway, B. “Cultural Transition as Reflected in the Aegean Pottery at Tell Tayinat”. Presented at American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, November 2013. Baltimore, MD.
Lauinger, J. Neo-Assyrian Scribes, ‘Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty,’ and the Dynamics of Textual Mass Production. Presented at Texts and Contexts: Approaches to Textual Transmission in the Cuneifrom World, The John Hopkins University. Baltimore MD.
Lauinger, J. Observing Neo-Assyrian Scribes at Work: The Production of the Manuscripts of the So-Called “Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty.” Presented at Observing the Scribe at Work: Knowledge Transfer and Scribal Professionalism in Pre-Typographic Societies, 2013 Conference of the Australian Research Council project “Knowledge Transfer and Administrative Professionalism in a Pre-Typographic Society: Observing the Scribe at Work in Roman and Early Islamic Egypt,” Macquarie University. Sydney, Australia.
Welton, L., Batiuk S. “Settlement in the Amuq Plain in the Early Bronze Age”, Presented at American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, November 2013. Baltimore, MD.
Welton, L. “Reconstructing Identities in a Dark Age: The Regeneration of Northern Levantine Society in the Early Iron Age”, Presented at UBCE CNERS Departmental Seminar Series, Vancouver, BCE.
Welton, L., “Social Regeneration and Identity Formation in the Early Iron Age: The View from the Northern Levant”, Presented at SFU Seminar Series, Vancouver, BCE.
Batiuk, S., Harrison, T. “Results of the 2011-2012 Seasons at Tell Tayinat” Annual Meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Chicago, Il.
Batiuk, S. Anatolian and Aegean influences in the 12th and 11th Centuries in the Amuq: The Iron I Sequence at Tell Tayinat. The Recent Archaeological Investigations in the Amuq Valley of Hatay. Presented at the Amuq Workshop, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Janeway, B. “A ‘Mixed Multitude’ at Tell Tayinat? Evidence from the Early Iron Age Krater Assembage.” Annual Meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Chicago, Il.
Lauinger, J. Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty at Tell Tayinat: A Biographical Sketch. Presented at the invited session on Assyriology and the Bible: Ancient Near Eastern Treaties, Society for Biblical Literature Annual Meeting Chicago, IL.
Lauinger, J. The Neo-Assyrian Treaty Tradition: Defining Contexts, Describing Audiences. Presented at Staatsverträge des Alten Vorderasien: Überlieferung – Funktion – Rechtshistorische Perspektive, International Max Planck Research School for Comparative Legal History/Institut für Rechtsgeschichte der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main/Institut für Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Lauinger, J. The Neo-Assyrian State at Tell Tayinat: Cuneiform Tablets from the Tayinat Archaeological Project’s 2009 Season. Presented at the 58th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Leiden, Netherlands.
Lauinger, J. Archive, Library, or Something Else? The Collection of Cuneiform Texts from the 2009 Season at Tell Tayinat. Presented at the Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA.
Lauinger, J. The Treaty in the Temple: The Social Settings of The Vassal Treaties of Esarhaddon. Presented at Double stories – Double lives: Reflecting on Textual Objects in the Pre-Print world, Yale University. New Haven, CT.
Osborne, J.F. “Communicating Power in the Bīt-Ḫilāni Palace.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Chicago, 2012.
Osborne, J.F. “The State and its Region in Past and Present: Territoriality in the Iron Age Kingdom of Patina.” Invited lecture for the Western New York Society of the American Institute of Archaeology, 2012.
Osborne, J.F. “Feasting Scenes from the Near Eastern Iron Age: Cultural Insights from Elite Feasting Practices in the Syro-Anatolian City-State.” Invited paper for the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, 2012
Osborne, J.F. “Al Mina and East-West Relations: The View from Tell Tayinat.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia, 2012
Roames, J. “The metal Workshop at Tell Tayinat, Turkey: A case Study in the rise of Iron Production” Annual Meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Chicago, Il.
Welton, L. “Reconsidering the Early Bronze Age Amuq Sequence”.Presented at the Northern Levantine Workshop for Associated Regional Chronologies of the Ancient Near East (ARCANE). Florence, Italy.
Welton, L. “Local Production in a World of Interdependent Consumption: A Petrographic Case Study from the Amuq Plain” Presented in Think Global, Act Local: Material Interaction and Integration in the Mediterranean World, RCAC Mini-Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Welton, L. “Ongoing Investigations into the Third Millennium BCE at Tell Tayinat: Results of the 2009-2011 Seasons”, Presented at The Recent Archaeological Investigations in the Amuq Region of Hatay, Koç University, March 2012. Istanbul, Turkey.
Janeway, B. “Mycenaean Bowls at Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat (Amuq Valley)”. Annual Meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research, San Fransisco, CA..
Lauinger, J. A New Manuscript of Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty from Tell Tayinat and Its Contexts. Presented at the 221st Meeting of the American Oriental Society. Chicago, IL.
Osborne, J.F. “Strategies of Sovereignty in the Iron Age City-State: Settlement Patterns and Political Authority in Patina/Unqi, Turkey.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, San Francisco, 2011
Osborne, J.F. “Excavations at the Neo-Hittite Capital City of Kunulua: Results of the Tayinat Archaeological Project.” Lecture for the Institute of European and Mediterranean Archaeology, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2011
The annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) Saturday, 20 November 2010. Atlanta, GA.. TAYINAT ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROJECT: RECENT INVESTIGATIONS IN THE ‘LAND OF PALISTIN’
Batiuk, S. Seeing Through Silt: Results of Remote Sensing at Tell Tayinat.
Welton, L. Tell Tayinat During the Early Bronze Age: Results of the 2008-2010 Seasons
Janeway, B. The Early Iron Age at Tell Tayinat
Osborne , J. Spatial Analysis and the Nature of Political Authority in the Syro-Hittite City-State: the Evidence from Patina/Unqi
Lauinger, J. Cuneiform Texts from the 2009 Season at Tell Tayinat
Dessel, J.P. Late Iron Age Tayinat: The Field 5 Excavations
The annual symposium of The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies / La Société canadienne des études mésopotamiennes, Saturday, 2 October 2010. Toronto, ON.
Welton, L. Tayinat in the Late 3rd Millennium BCE
Janeway, B. Sea Peoples and Neo-Hittites in the ‘Land of Palistin’
Harrison, T. Temples, Tablets and Assyrian Imperialism at Tayinat
Lauinger, J. Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Tablet Collection in Temple XVI, Jacob Lauinger, Johns Hopkins University
Batiuk, S. Seeing Through Silt: Results of Remote Sensing at Tell Tayinat. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Atlanta, GA
Batiuk, S. Forging Identity in the Dark: Understanding Early Iron Age State Regeneration at Tell Tayinat. Presented at the Dept of Near Eastern Studies. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD.
Batiuk, S.. New Material from the EB Levels at Tell Tayinat. Presented at ARCANE Northern Levant Regional Meeting. Florence, Italy.
Capper, M. The Palaeoethnobotanical Remains from Tell Tayinat. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Dessel, J.P.. New Excavations at Tell Tayinat: An Iron Age Kingdom in Southeast Turkey. Presented at the Department of Near Eastern Studies 2009-10 Colloquia. University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
Dessel, J.P. Tell Tayinat, Turkey: The Origins and Organization of Small-scale States in the Iron Age Levant. Presented at The Ancient Near East in the 12th-10th Centuries BCE: Culture and Histroy. University of Haifa.
Harrison, T.P. Recent Discoveries at Tell Tayinat on the Orontes. Presented at 7ICAANE. Fieldwork and Recent Research. London, England.
Janeway, B. Of Potters and Weavers: Intrusive Acculturation at Tell Ta‘yinat in the Early Iron Age. Presented at the International Archaeological Symposium. Nicosia, Cyprus.
Lipovitch, D. A Preliminary Report on the Faunal Remains from the 2004-2009 Excavations at Tell Ta’yinat, Turkey. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Osborne, J. Ancient Conceptions of Political Territory: A View from the Iron Age Kingdom of Patina. Presented at the American Research Institute of Turkey. Ankara, Turkey
Osborne, J. The State and its Region in Past and Present: Territoriality in the Iron Age Kingdom of Patina. Presented at Bilkent University. Ankara
Roames, J. The Early Iron Age Metal Workshop at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. Presented at the Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA. (awarded Best Student Paper in Archaeological Science for Symposium WW)
Roames, J. Why Iron Was Used in the Early Iron Age. Presented at the Graduate Student Symposium of the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations. University of Toronto.
Batiuk, S. The Tell Tayinat Excavations 2007–2009. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Roames, J. The Early Iron Age Metal Workshop at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Roames, J. The Metal Workshop at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. Presented at the World of Iron Conference. Natural History Museum in London, England.
Janeway, B. What’s in a Face? A Painted Sherd from Tell Ta‘yinat in the Tradition of Mycenaean Pictorial Vase Painting. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meetings. Boston, MA.
Janeway, B.. Tell Ta‘yinat: Seventy Years of Finds from a Neo-Hittite Capital in Eastern Turkey. Presented at the AIA Regional Meeting. University of Akron, OH.
Roames, J. Forging Fer-ness: The Impact of Iron on the Near Eastern Proletariat. Presented at the Graduate Student Symposium of the Department of Near and MiddleEastern Civilizations. University of Toronto.
Roames, J. The Metal Industry in the Northern Levant during the Early Iron Age. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association. Trent University.
Dessel, J.P. New Excavations at Tell Tayinat: An Iron Age Kingdom in Southeast Turkey. Presented at the East Tennessee Chapter of the AIA. Knoxville, TN.
Janeway, B. Dating the Early Iron Age at Tell Ta‘yinat, Turkey: Preliminary Results from Ceramic Analysis. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meetings. San Diego, CA.
Osborne J. Excavations at the Aramean Capital of Kunalua in the Plain of Antioch. Presented in the Harvard Semitic Museum Lecture Series. Harvard University.
Roames, J. The State of Metalworking in Syria during the Early Iron Age. Presented at the Graduate Student Symposium of the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations. University of Toronto.
Janeway, B. The Nature and Extent of Aegean Contact at Tell Ta‘yinat and Vicinity in the Early Iron Age: Evidence of Sea Peoples? Presented at the ASOR Annual Meetings. Washington, D.C.
Osborne J. The Archaeology of the Amuq in the Iron Age: Ethnicity in a Cultural Crossroad. Presented in the Harvard University Archaeology Wing Seminar Series. Harvard University.
Selected Posters
Deng, D., Khaled, K., LeBlanc, P., Lee, J., Nizami, R., Pascua, D., Bank, C. (2010) Geophysical Investigation at an Archaeological Site by Magnetometry and Resistivity: Tell Tayinat, South Eastern Turkey. Presented at the Ottawa Undergraduate Research Poster Competition (OURPC). Ottawa, ON.
Capper, M. (2010) “In Their Words: Using Ancient Written Sources to Interpret the Palaeobotanical Remains of Tell Tayinat, Turkey”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnobiology. Victoria, BCE. (co-recipient of the 2010 Best Ethnobiology Poster Award).
Lumb, D., Roames J. Snow, H. and Welton, L. (2008) Tayinat Archaeological Project: Sea Peoples, Neo-Hittites, and Assyrians on the Plain of Antioch. Presented at the ASOR Annual Meeting. Boston, MA