Anadolu Ajansi, July 28, 2021, Canadian archaeologist dedicates his life to excavation at Tell Tayinat.
Arts and Science News, Oct. 2020, Resilience in the face of climate change: Archaeological investigations reveal human adaptability in ancient Turkey.
Watch The National on CBC News interview Professor Tim Harrison about the Tayinat Archaeological Project’s recent major discovery in Turkey.
The news that U of T archaeologists are in advanced negotiations to establish an archaeological park at Tell Tayinat, received widespread media attention in Turkey — including this clip featuring Canada’s Ambassador to Turkey, high-level Turkish officials, and the U of T delegation.
Aksam, Oct. 2018, Kanada’nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Chris Cooter Hatay’da incelemelerde bulundu
Alemi Haber, Oct. 2018, Kanada’nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Chris Cooter Hatay’da incelemelerde bulundu
Antakya Gazetesine Hoşgeldiniz, Oct. 2018, Kanada Heyeti Hatay’da
Arkeolojik Haber, Oct. 2018, Tayinat Höyüğü arkeolojik buluntuları Kanada’da sergilenmek isteniyor
Arts and Science News, Oct. 2018, University of Toronto working to establish a research centre and archaeological park in Turkey’s Amuq Valley
Beyaz Gazete, Oct. 2018, Kanada’nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Chris Cooter Hatay’da
Haberler, Oct. 2018, Kanada’nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Chris Cooter Hatay’da
Iskenderun SES, Oct. 2018, Büyükelçinin ´kültür ziyareti´
Sanal Basin, Oct. 2018, Kanada’nin Ankara Buyukelcisi Chris Cooter Hatay’da
Soz Gazetesi, Oct. 2018, Kanada’nin kultur elcileri Hatay’da
T.C. Hatay Valiligi, Oct. 2018, Vali Ata Kanada Büyükelçisini Kabul Etti
Hürriyet Haber, Sept. 15, Hatay’a Niye Gitmiyorsun? (Kanat Atkaya) Hürriyet Haber
Hürriyet Haber, Sept. 14, Hatay Ekonomisine Can Simidi Aranıyor
Hürriyet Haber, Sept. 14, KRAL ŞUPPİLULİUMA
HaberTurk, Aug. 20, Hatay’da bir tonluk kadın heykeli bulundu
Hurriyet Daily News, Aug. 14, Ancient sculpture of woman found in Turkey’s Hatay
Scinexx.de, Aug. 14, Türkei: Monumentale Frauenstatue entdeckt
Sci-News, Aug. 14, 3,000-Year-Old Female Statue Unearthed at Neo-Hittite Citadel in Turkey
National Geographic (España), Aug. 14, Hallada en Turquía una majestuosa estatua (desfigurada) de 3.000 años de antigüedad
Arkeolojihaber, Aug. 13, Hatay’daki Tell Tayinat Höyüğü’nde 3000 Yıllık Kadın Heykeli Bulundu
T24, Aug. 13, Hatay’da, 3 bin yıllık kadın heykeli bulundu
Yenişafak, Aug. 13, Hatay’da 3 bin yıllık kadın heykeli bulundu
Milliyet, Aug. 13, Kraldan sonra eşi de bulundu
Milliyet, Aug. 12, Hatay’da müthiş keşif! Kralın karısı…
Milliyet, Aug. 12, Hatay’da 3 Bin Yıllık Kadın Heykeli
Hurriyet, Aug. 12, 3 bin yıllık önemli keşif… Karısı da bulundu
International Business Times, Aug. 11, Enormous 3,000-year-old statue of mysterious Turkish matriarch discovered
IFLScience!, Aug. 11, Mysterious 3,000-Year-Old Female Statue Unearthed in Turkey
Archaeology, Aug. 11, Iron Age Statue Unearthed in Turkey
University of Toronto News – Press release Aug. 11, Majestic 3,000-year-old female statue uncovered in Turkey: excavation led by U of T archaeologists
University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts and Science News, Archaeologists uncover 3,000-year-old female statue at citadel gate complex in Turkey
Arkeofili, Aug. 10, Hatay’da 3000 Yıllık Dev Kadın Heykeli Bulundu
Science Daily, Aug. 10, Archaeologists uncover 3,000-year-old female statue at citadel gate complex in Turkey
EurekAlert!, Aug, Female Statue Uncovered at Tayinat in Summer of 2017
Haber Turk, July 20, 2017, Hatay’da bir tonluk kadın heykeli bulundu
Bible History Daily, Nov. 30, Visiting Turkey: Museums of Archaeology Dazzle
Hurriyet Daily News, June 23, The contribution of King Suppiluliuma to Hatay’s economy
Hurriyet Daily News, May 23, Hittite king comes to Istanbul
Hurriyet Daily News, Jan. 21, Hatay museum set to take title of world’s largest mosaic collection
Hurriyet Daily News, Feb. 9, The ancient eyes of the Near East
Hurriyet Daily News, Aug. 21, New Hatay museum unveils original mosaics
Hurriyet Daily News, Aug. 13, Discovered artifact to attract tourists
Hurriyet Daily News, Aug. 11, Turkey to introduce ancient statue
Hurriyet Daily News, July 30, Unique sculpture found at excavation
Yenişafak, July 28, 2012, 3 bin yıllık kral heykelini Bakan tanıttı
Haber Turk, July 29, 2012, Hatay’da Hitit Kralı 2. Şuppiluliuma’ya ait 3 bin yıl öncesine dayanan bir heykel bulundu
Milliyet, Aug. 20, 2012, Kral ‘Şuppili’ hediyelik, Noel Baba ‘miras’ oluyor
Milliyet, Aug. 20, 2012, Kral heykelini incelediler
Bible History Daily, July 31, Colossal Neo-Hittite Statue Discovered at Tell Tayinat
Hurriyet, July 29, 2012, 3 bin yasinda Anadolu krali Suppiluliuma
Milliyet, July 29, 2012, Bu kadar gosterisli kral heykeli gormedim
Today’s Zaman, July 30, 2012, 3000-year-old statue of Hittite king Suppiluliuma uncovered in Hatay
Vatan, July 29, 2012, Ve karsinizda Kral Suppi
2012 Year in Review, University of Toronto. Faculty of Arts & Science. Kaplan gift helps establish archaeological park.
The New York Times, August 6, 2012. Iron Age Creativity in a Turkish King’s Image.
Toronto Star, August 1, 2012. Toronto student discovers 3,000-year-old statue in Turkey.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts and Science News – Press release July 31, 2012. Archaeologists unearth extraordinary human sculpture in Turkey.
Sci-news.com, July 30, 2012. Extraordinary Neo-Hittite Statue Discovered in Turkey.
Haberdar, July 28, 2012. Günay: Hatay’dan Vana kadar olan bölgeyi müzeler bölgesi yapmayı planlıyoruz.
Current World Archaeology Magazine, October-November 2011, Issue 49. Lion Gate Discovered in Turkey.
Archaeology, November-December 2011. Lion in Wait.
Bible History Daily, Aug. 15, Update on Tayinat Lion
Toronto Star, August 11, 2011. Expedition led by U of T finds 3,000-year-old lion sculpture.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts and Science News – Press release August 9, 2011. Archaeologists uncover 3,000-year-old lion adorning citadel gate complex in Turkey.
Bible History Daily, Aug. 1, Another Lion Statue Discovered at Tell Tayinat in Turkey
Actual Archaeology Magazine. Anatolia, May 2011. Tell Tayinat. The Capital of the Neo-Hittite Kingdom of Patina.
The Independent, October 15, 2010, 2700-year-old royal loyalty oath discovered in Turkey
Heritage Key, October 14, 2010. The oath on the platform – 2,700 year old temple at Tayinat had royal loyalty oath prominently displayed.
The Varsity, October 11, 2010. Let’s get Geophysical: U of T geology undergrads prospect for archaeological remains at Tell Ta’yinat, Turkey.
The Ottawa Citizen, August 1, 2010. Archaeology: Layer by layer, dig exposes deeper truths. History offers perspectives on universal questions.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 31, 2010. A high-tech peek underground.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 30, 2010. At the world’s first crossroads.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 29, 2010. High-tech methods reveal secrets of antiquity.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 29, 2010. Deciding where to dig: archaeologists stake their futures on it.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 27, 2010. Following in giant footsteps.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 26, 2010. Everyday life on the dig: It’s rough and tough, but exhilarating.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 25, 2010. Temple site ‘a compression of human experience’. University of Toronto-led team uncovering centuries of history.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 24, 2010. Canadian archaeologists revel in ‘mind-blowing’ dig in Turkey.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 24, 2010. Ancient tablet bears scars of dark history. Artifact found in Turkey tells tale of violence and mass destruction.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 23, 2010. Turkish provincial governor drops by dig site for official visit.
The Ottawa Citizen, July 22, 2010. Of mice and ancient men. Ottawa archaeologist, team sift through embarrassment of riches at dig site.
Vatan, July 19, Kayip medeniyet Hatay’da cikti
The Ottawa Citizen, July 17, 2010. Unearthing a forgotten kingdom. Artifacts from 3,000-year-old ruins in Turkey’s Amuq Plain show evidence of an empire that crumbled as inexplicably as it apeared, and Ottawa archeologist Stephen Batiuk is aong those trying to unravel the mystery.
Embassy of Canada to Turkey: Highlights, April 23, 2010. Turkey’s Ancient Past Unveiled During Presentation at Embassy.
The Bulletin – Press Release, University of Toronto, April 8, 2010. U of T researchers shed light on ancient Assyrian tablets.
The Ottawa Citizen, April 8, 2010. Canadian archaeologists discover Old Testament-era tablet.
Dig, January 2010. Temple finds.
Current World Archaeology Magazine, December-January 2010, Issue 38. More temple tales from Tell Tayinat.
Archaeology, November-December 2009. World Roundup, Turkey.
Discover, September 2009. No simple life in early settlements.
Current World Archaeology Magazine, August-September 2009, Issue 36. Temple sheds light on ‘Dark Age’.
Rehber Gazetesi, August 11, 2009. Tell Tayinat tapinağinda çivili tablet bulundu.
Macleans, August 9th, 2009. U of T archaeologist digs Iron Age tablets, jewlery in Turkey.
The Bulletin – Press Release, University of Toronto, August 7, 2009. University of Toronto archaeologists find ancient tablets
Rehber Gazetesi, July 14, 2009. Tainat höyüğünde yeniden kasiya başlandi.
The Bulletin – Press Release, University of Toronto, April 16, 2009. University of Toronto archaeologists discover temple that sheds light on so-called Dark Age.
Rehber Gazetesi, June 27, 2008. Tell Tainat’ta kazi çalişmasina başlandi.